How and where to look for minerals

How and Where to Search for Minerals

Today I show you 5 tips to know how and where to look for minerals, since we can find minerals anywhere we go, but it is different if you are looking for collection minerals or mineral crystals, which can be exposed.

1 -, database, essential to know how and where to look for minerals

Always my first step to know how and where to look for minerals, is to investigate the largest database of minerals in the world, it is for public use and free, and we have extensive information, not only about locations, but also information about the minerals themselves, without a doubt an essential tool if you want to go looking for minerals and find them.

In order to get an idea of ​​the minerals found in an area, I use the search engine through the map, visually it is easier to locate the approximate locations, such as mines, which are key points, in fact if you are starting out in the search for minerals, I advise you to visit them first, since occasionally good specimens are found in the mine waste, if you have seen chapter 2, looking for minerals in an abandoned mine, which I leave you for here . I locate the abandoned mine of La Trinidad, in Benalmádena, and I find pieces of limonite, jasper and calcite in the surroundings.

2 - Satellite Maps

Another tool that cannot be missing to know how and where to look for minerals is the map, the satellite images make the task much easier, having patience and being observant, we can find interesting areas, and not only those marked on the map as points of interest.

As you can see in the video, it is the Nerja area and if we expand, we find a quartz beta, which indicates that it is a good area to explore, in this way we can be more exact looking for a location to find minerals.

Another example is that of Hoyazo de Níjar in Almería, where we can clearly see the crater and the reddish soil, due to its high concentration of garnets.

imagen satelital el hoyazo de nijar almeria

3 - Forums and Mineral Communities

The third point to highlight is the internet, there are several forums and communities that share their outputs in search of minerals, some of them giving very precise information on the locations of deposits, how to get there, the route they have followed and images, which you can use in conjunction with the map to determine the exact point.

It is laborious work, but it not only pays off when it comes to finding good locations to explore and mineral deposits, but you will also be able to meet people with the same tastes and interests, who will help you and you can share information.

It must be taken into account that in these forums and communities you can find very experienced people and even professionals, from whom you can learn a lot so that you can later apply it in the field when you go exploring in search of minerals.

comunidades y foros de minerales

4 - Ask in the Zone

The fourth important point when looking for minerals, which is the point that I do not always comply with, is to ask people from the area that we are going to visit, and I do not always comply with it, because sometimes it is difficult to find someone to ask, not all the people in an area have information about minerals.

If to say that every time I have done it, it has been a great day in terms of finding good specimens.

But if the area we are going to is far from any population, it is difficult to find someone to ask, but if it is close to a town, my recommendation, before going to the specific area that you want to explore, is to go for a coffee at the typical bar, which is usually at the entrance of the town, where you see some farmers having breakfast, since they usually have information that is worth gold.

If you have seen chapter 5, if not, I’ll leave it to you for here, You will see how I explore an agricultural area in the Mollina area, which a farmer from the area told me while we were having a coffee, don’t be ashamed to ask, many times they will give you exact locations, even on their own land, since many pieces tend to come to light once the land is plowed.

preguntar zona para buscar minerales

5 - Explore

Lastly, and most importantly, is to explore, go out into nature and observe the terrain, lifting each stone is the best way to find traces of minerals, once you find an interesting piece, try to imagine how it got there, to that location, to be able to identify the origin, it could be a fragment of a geode that has detached due to erosion.

You have to follow the signs, logic and your intuition and you will end up getting it. You will reach a point, when you go exploring several times, where it will be easier for you to identify good areas, it is a process where the experience exploring is what will make you advance.

In short, these are my tips when it comes to how and where to look for minerals, I hope I have helped you and if you want to support me  subscribe to the channel.

busqueda y exploracion de minerales
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