Collectible Minerals and Curious Objects

Get to know our collectible minerals and curious objects

Learn how and where to find minerals and everything related to the types of minerals 2024, in addition to not missing the latest in minerals and collectibles

Natural treasures, collectibles, antiques, jewelry, precious stones and all kinds of curiosities about minerals and items of interest.

fluorita en bruto y pulida
calcita acicular amarilla
Collectible Minerals
cuarzo rosa unidad
Raw Minerals
Pulsera de Semilla de arbol Bodhi hombre
Curious Objects
Fosil amonite opalizado pulido

How and where to find minerals?

We ourselves collect many of the collectible minerals that you will see here, you can find us on social networks as EL Vecino Curioso and learn how to look for minerals

Each specimen of mineral is unique, there is no other piece like it and that makes it special, know the types and deposits of minerals

Natural treasures, collectibles, antiques, jewelry, precious stones and all kinds of curiosities about minerals and items of interest.

Fondo Varios Minerales

Learn about the types of minerals and where to find them

Featured Minerals and Collectibles

If you want to learn more about how and where to find minerals, the types of minerals that exist and the known location of deposits to date, I recommend you visit the website, since it is the largest mineralogy database, being the website with the most information on minerals for public and free use, which you can access from this link. 

If you have not found the mineral or collectible that you were looking for or hoped to find, you can contact us, we will do everything possible to help you