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You can contact us through WhatsApp from the button on the bottom right on the phone+34 644 77 74 87 , through the following form or by mail [email protected].
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What is Black Quartz? The mineral kingdom is home to a great diversity of gemstones and crystals with unique properties and spiritual meanings that have
Minerals of the Province of Madrid The province of Madrid, known for its rich history and vibrant culture, is also home to hidden treasures beneath
What is Amethyst Quartz and what is it for? Amethyst quartz, with its exquisite violet color, is one of the most prized and fascinating gems
What is Celestina? Celestine, also known as celestite, is a celestial mineral valued both for its aesthetic appeal and for its interesting physical and spiritual
What is Selenite? Selenite, known scientifically as selenitic gypsum, is a fascinating mineral that has captivated humanity for centuries. Its translucent and smooth appearance, along
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